use taxi van and man for any transport or delivery job in Brussels
local man with van at your door in 1h to transport or deliver any household items - YOU SET THE PRICE for your #IKEAtrip, #FBgroupDelivery, #FurnitureTransport, #HouseMove
you decide how much you want to pay: _____ €
need to move a house cheaply or transport a sofa you bought on FB Groups, washing machine or mattress? || going to IKEA & need a ride with your shopping as well as help carrying it to your door?
works like Uber! get taxi van anytime, anywhere. just tap [move], select pickup time, date & SET YOUR PRICE for local van with man. You can pay cash or by card when you're done!
you'll be updated on your move job every step of the way by sms: when driver applies for your listing & when he arrives on your doorstep. no more, calls, emails or quotes. just tap [move]